Our C170 and C240 bitumen spray seals are a highly effective method to protect and preserve roads. The process involves the spray application of hot bitumen onto the prepared road base surface, followed by the application of pre-coated aggregate. This creates a durable surface, ensuring the longevity of the road.
Bitumen reseals are an essential maintenance process for existing roads. Over time, roads may experience wear and tear, leading to surface cracks and degradation. Our bitumen resealing services involve applying a fresh layer of bitumen over the existing surface, providing renewed protection, and extending the life of the road.
It's important to distinguish between bitumen and asphalt, as they are often used interchangeably but have distinct characteristics.
It’s also worth noting that all sealed public roads will need to be sealed with bitumen (some may have an asphalt overlay).
Rural Bitumen solely provides bitumen sealing services.
Be cautious of cheap offers for bitumen spraying in the area. The road surfacing industry, particularly in rural regions, attracts unqualified and uncertified operators. They may apply a thin layer of bitumen on an unprepared surface, leaving you with poor results. Stay vigilant and remember, if a price seems too good to be true, it often is!
Contact us today to discuss bitumen sealing and experience the professionalism and reliability that have made Rural Bitumen Services a leader in the industry.
13 Investigator St, SOUTH NOWRA, NSW 2541
Monday to Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm